Alyson framed by trees of various distances


I forgot to bring the power supply for my flash, so I under exposed to get the sky and leaves darker. The camera got the dynamic range well, but next time I'll use flash for fill. And I noticed that I'm getting an infra red effect, I'll need to put a IR filter on lenses in the future for models, but it makes leaves look nice.

The camera is on a bean bag on the ground for this shot, and she is at a higher level than the camera.

Most likely 1/400 and stopped down a good bit.
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
8x10 digital large format camera
Lighting: mid day sun with no modification
Schneider Kreuznach G-Claron 9/305
Photo Taken: August 8, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

Alyson in the Creek


Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre Production Camera
8x10 digital large format camera
Lighting: mid day sun with no modification
Schneider Kreuznach G-Claron 9/305
Photo Taken: August 8, 2014 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved

Category: New_Photos

Bill Charbonnet

Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.

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