I wanted to try a Brenizer method pano, but I ended up doing a regular pano with a tripod. This is large format digital, so we're making it Ultra Large Format. It is about 12 shots, stitched with Autopano. The effect is a bit wide. Later I'll use a longer lens and do a large format Brenizer effect. 

LS45, 4x5 large format digital back mounted on Speed Graphic Camera. Graflex Optar 135mm. www.largesense.com #4x5 #largeformat #largeformatphotography #speedgraphic #largesense #bw #monochrome #blackandwhitephotography #graflexoptar #optar #panorama #portrait #bnwportrait #monochromeportrait 

Category: New_Photos

Bill Charbonnet

Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.

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