One nice use of a large sensor digital camera is to use it with old Petzval lenses.


Girl with cat, modeling lamp, 4.75 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France)-- modified with sepia and added noise. The original image was very smooth without noise. The lens didn't cover the sensor, so a black oval was added around the image. The image circle was not a circle, so I assume there was some off alignment happening. The cat was moving a bit. I'm waiting for my larger Petzval lens to be mounted, which appears to offer a large image circle.


4.75 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France). This lens has no aperture or slots to add any. 


Model: Zoie with Shadow the Cat
Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre-Production Camera
Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)
4.75 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France)
Photo Taken: Mar 25, 2015 Santa Clara, CA, USA
Copyright LargeSense LLC
All rights reserved 


Here is what the image mostly looked like before editing:


And another image with the lens:


Thursday, April 02, 2015, 10:06:31 PM PDT Santa Clara, CA, USA

Zoie with Crown, modeling lamp from an Einstein flash and 3W LED bulb in reflector. 4.75 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France). LargeSense LS911 Prototype #2 camera with 9x11 inch CMOS sensor.


Final focus was achieved by asking the model to tilt her head a bit forward or back till one of the shots seemed in focus.


Pre-shot: used a calibration frame to correct for the lens and for dust on the sensor, which brightened up the corners that would have been black otherwise, since the lens image circle didn't cover the corners. After shot: cleaned up some noise, enlarged the image, sharpened, added noise and blue effect with some texture.



Model: Zoie with Crown

Camera: LargeSense LS911 Pre-Production Camera

Large format digital camera (single shot sensor, size bigger than 8x10 inch)

4.75 inch long A T Thompson, Boston Magic Lantern Lens (Darlot France)

Photo Taken: Thursday, April 02, 2015 Santa Clara, CA, USA

Copyright LargeSense LLC

All rights reserved

Category: New_Photos

Bill Charbonnet

Founder of LargeSense, the maker of large format digital cameras and backs.

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